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Australia’s draft National Wildlife Corridors Report - World's first continental approach to connectivity conservation 

Posted on Wednesday, March 7, 2012 at 08:47PM by Registered CommenterLinda McMillan | Comments Off

Breaking News from Dr. Graeme Worboys:

I am very pleased to advise that the Australian Government has released Australia’s draft National Wildlife Corridors Report today for community consultation. The draft report to the Australian Government Minister for the Environment, The Hon Tony Burke MP, was prepared by the National Wildlife Corridors Advisory Group, a Group which was chaired by the Hon Bob Debus AM.

This is the first whole-of-continent approach to connectivity conservation for the world and recognises a range of different corridors at different scales , including, importantly, a few select and strategic (yet to be designated) National Wildlife Corridors. The draft report also advises that new Legislation is proposed to be introduced later this year to formalise the implementation of the NWC plan. This is a proactive step by the Australian Government to help achieve both Aichi (CBD) Targets as well as Australia’s own Biodiversity Strategy targets. It is a formidable step forward in assisting Australian and migratory species survive in a climate change world. Comments on this draft would be very welcome and the website provides guidance on how to achieve this. The Draft Plan will be upgraded and then formalised by the Minister following the  community consultation period which ends on April 20th 2012.

News coverage of the report. Press Release of the report. Editorial opinion of the report.

Draft report is available at: http://www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/wildlife-corridors/index.html

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