A series of publications on mountain management and protection issues produced by Mountain PA Network members

Viable reserve networks arise from individual landholder responses to conservation incentives
A 28-page report forwarded to us by Mountains Network member Kathy McKinnon of The World Bank in Washington, D.C.-- "Conservation in densely-settled biodiversity hotspots areas often requires setting up reserve networks that maintain sufficient contiguous habitat to support viable species populations. Because it is difficult to secure landholder compliance with a tightly constrained reserve network design, attention has shifted to voluntary incentive nechanisms, such as purchase of conservation easements by reverse auction or through a fixed-price offer..."

Report on the 2003 Australian Alps Bushfires
March 2003, by Graeme Worboys, IUCN Vice Chair

Conservation and Sustainable Development in Mountain Areas
Large format, magazine/booklet published in 2004, edited by Dr. Martin Price
