Downloadable Report on this workshop from Graeme Worboys (.pdf format, 248k)

Reports by ICIMOD on our workshop plus their international mountain biodiversity conference that took place in Kathmandu immediately after our workshop:

“Biodiversity Conservation and Management for Enhanced Ecosystem Services: Responding to the Challenges of Global Change”


Workshop Overview

Location: Dhulikel, outside the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

November 11-14th 2008

Here is more information about this workshop

The IUCN defines a transboundary protected area as an area of land and/or sea that straddles one or more borders between states, sub-national units such as provinces and regions, autonomous areas and/or areas beyond the limit of national sovereignty or jurisdiction, whose constituent parts are especially dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological diversity, and of natural and associated cultural resources, and managed cooperatively through legal or other effective means

Mountain PA Network members gathered at a conference center in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal for the Trans-Boundary Connectivity Conservation Management Workshop November 11-14, 2008. A resulting book on the subject is planned. Plans were also made for some post-workshop treks to the Khumbu region and the Terai region of Nepal for the participants to better understand transboundary conservation issues.

Purpose of the workshop:
To identify lessons learned from managing mountain transboundary conservation areas as a basis for publishing an IUCN WCPA management guideline book in 2009.

Objectives of the workshop:

1. To identify the principle management issues and lessons learned for transboundary conservation management in mountains.

2. To provide maximum opportunity for the overlap and exchange of information on mountain transboundary conservation area management.

3. To produce an IUCN WCPA book arising from the workshop which will be made available for protected area management practitioners around the world.