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Natural Solutions: Protected Areas helping people cope with Climate Change

Posted on Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 12:59AM by Registered CommenterLinda McMillan | Comments Off

Message from our Mountains Network member Trevor Sandwith:

You may be pleased to know that our publication, a product of the PACT 2020 partnership, called Natural Solutions: Protected Areas helping people cope with Climate Change was just released at a news conference at the Copenhagen Climate Summit.  The press event was well attended. I presented the highlights from the book and then Veerle van der Weerd (UNDP Head of Environment); Ian Noble (World Bank Climate Change lead); Gordon Shepherd (WWF-International) and Ninni Ikkala (IUCN Climate Change co-ordinator) contributed as panellists. We had good questions and follow-up intertviews and the book is hot property here in Copenhagen!

 The news release follows, and the book itself is attached to this message and can also be downloaded at: http://cms.iucn.org/unfccc/events/copenhagen/?4329/Protected-areas--natural-solutions-to-climate-change-crisis

Download the report at and the summaries in  english french and spanish: http://www.iucn.org/about/union/commissions/wcpa/?4345/Natural-Solutions---Protected-Areas-Helping-people-cope-with-climate-change

Nik's OpEd in the New York Times and International Herald Tribune can be found at: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/08/opinion/08iht-edlopoukhine.html

Please make every effort to disseminate the news about this book through your networks. With best wishes and thanks to everyone who has been involved in this effort.


Trevor Sandwith
Director, Biodiversity and Protected Areas Policy
Deputy Chair IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas

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