Past Conferences where our Mountains Biome team participated
The 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Nagoya, Japan
Above is a link to an IUCN Booklet produced for this conference, which our Mountains and Connectivity Conservation team had the opportunity to provide input. Well done to the inspired creators and those who did the hard work on this booklet: Sue Stolton, Nigel Dudley and Eduard Muller.
9th World Wilderness Congress “Feel, Think, Act (Siente, Piensa, Actua)!”.
November 2009 in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. This was an important event organized by the WILD Foundation and Unidos para la Conservación (UPC). Daily agenda and details are available at the Wild Foundation website
Our Mountains Biome team presented a book launch and workshop at this event. Connectivity Conservation was integrated into the entire Congress, and the Congress' plenary session on Wednesday November 11 featured the launch of our book Connectivity Conservation Management: A Global Guide. It was followed by presentations on connectivity around the world and in Mexico.
A 3-day IUCN Mountains Biome symposium started the afternoon of Tuesday November 10 and continued on the afternoons of November 11 and 12. Included was a focus on connectivity conservation in the Himalayas and Altai Sayan building on our work in Nepal in 2008.
Second DIVERSITAS Open Science
Conference. October 13-16, 2009 in Cape Town, South Africa.
The theme was Biodiversity and society: understanding connections, adapting to change. For more information see
George Wright Society Conference. March 2-6, 2009 in Portland, Oregon USA.
This meeting of federal land managers and stakeholders, led by our network member Dave Harmon, instituted many energy-conserving factors such as having it located at a no-styrofoam, comprehensive-composting, full-recycling, energy-aware hotel on Portland’s light rail system, eliminating the need for automobiles for participants flying in. See
International Conference on Indigenous Sacred and Cultural Sites. April 5-11, 2009 in Cuzco, Peru.
Organized by Yachay Wasi (House of Learning in Quechua), an NGO based in New York and Cuzco. Details at This was supported by the WCPA Task Force on Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas. Since so many sacred sites are in mountains, this was of special interest to our Network.
The 4th IUCN World Conservation Congress
5-14 October - 2008 Barcelona, Spain
Finalized Resolutions and Recommendations
View our Connectivity Conservation Resolution and our Consolidated Motion: Enhancing ecological networks and connectivity conservation areas for the Congress
Our Mountains Biome team was part of the more than 8,000 of the world's leading decision makers in sustainable development: from governments, NGOs, business, the UN and academia. Together in one place for 10 days: to debate, share, network, learn, commit, vote and decide. The objective: ideas, action and solutions for a diverse and sustainable world.
Here are some of the positive outcomes of our participation at the World Conservation Congress in Barcelona
Third World Congress of Biosphere Reserves
Madrid, Spain - 21-22 April 2008
The Bureau of the MAB-ICC, other ICC Members, Observer Member States, the Secretariat and partners are now focused on the implementation of the Madrid Action Plan (MAP) whose final version is available in English, French and Spanish.
The Bureau, based on the suggestion made by the Chair of the MAB-ICC, HE Mr Henri Djombo, Minister of Forest Economy and the Environment of Congo, established an “Informal Support Group” open to ICC Members as well as Observer Member States of UNESCO to facilitate the efforts of the Secretariat to implement the MAP.
Mountains Network members Graeme Worboys of Australia and Yuri Badenkov of Russia were among those who attended and gave presentations.
Below are links to files containing two of Graeme's presentations at this conference:
Connectivity Conservation Presentation
"Connectivity Conservation" is an important way to prevent loss of biodiversity from the impacts of climate change.
Biosphere Reserve A2A Connectivity Presentation
"A2A" is the acronym for one of the world's newest and largest proposed conservation corridors, "Alps to Atherton". It intends to link landscapes along almost the entire eastern coast of Australia, providing a 2800km coastal route for wildlife to escape warming.
Peace, Parks, and Partnerships Conference
Waterton-Glacier National Park, Alberta, Canada
September 9-12, 2007
A number of Mountains Network members attended this conference on the shores of beautiful Waterton Lake, including a large contingent from South Africa. The weather was spectacular and dry, and the various field trips and dinner destinations gave us a chance to see much more of this very scenic area, which is known as The Crown of the Continent. The important and timely theme of the conference was how to create and manage trans-boundary protected areas around the world to preserve cultures and biodiversity.