The Mountains Biome Blog

Ideas, information, issues, and alerts from the IUCN-WCPA Mountains Biome

Entries in horse pest impacts Australia (1)

NEW REPORT - Pest Horse Impacts in Australian Alps National Parks

Posted on Sunday, May 26, 2013 at 02:44PM by Registered CommenterLinda McMillan in | Comments Off

Horses are an introduced animal in Australia. Many have gone wild in Australia’s mountain national parks and have bred up into such numbers that they are impacting the mountain catchments and subalpine native animals and plants. These are the natural values for which the national parks has been established.

A new “observations” report has been prepared by our Mountains members Graeme Worboys and Ian Pulsford that clearly illustrates the extent of the damage to these nationally significant national parks. The report concludes that urgent and effective action is needed to end for ever these pest horse impacts; to restore the damage to the water catchments and to help conserve Australia’s native species.

For further information: Press Release