Information and News about Linking Landscapes to Preserve the World's Precious Biodiversity
What is Connectivity Conservation and why is it important?
View a Connectivity Conservation Presentation by Dr. Graeme Worboys from the Australian Linking Landscapes Conference in 2009:
Medium resolution version (3mb) - High resolution version (7mb)
Here are the video and audio clips from this presentation featuring:
Dr. Fausto Sarmiento - Dr. Nakul Chettri - Paulina Arroyo - Dr. Tatjana Yashina - Tom Sengalama
Dr. Graeme Worboys - "What is Connectivity Conservation?" from IUCN-WCPA Connectivity-Mountains.
To respond effectively to the impacts the world is facing from global climate change, our work to preserve and protect the remaining precious natural and cultural resources of mountain regions has taken on urgent importance. One of the biggest threats to the survival of many plant and animal species is the destruction or fragmentation of their natural habitats.
Clearly, conserving large landscapes--where plants, animals, and other ecological processes can shift from one habitat to another as needed for survival--needs to be a crucial aspect of any future conservation plans. So creation and protection of connectivity in increasingly fragmented landscapes around the world are among our main focal points.
But we also recognize that effective large-landscape conservation needs the inclusion and cooperation of people, as a part of nature and as a part of the protection planning process. This social component encourages decentralized conservation efforts such as community-based conservation and movitated residents or visitors serving as "citizen scientists". So connecting people to landscapes in effective ways is another important aspect of our work.
Today we are building on past successes on these issues, cataloging success stories, and moving ahead in creating new a multi-dimensional plan to promote connectivity conservation around the world. Here are recent projects, news and information about our Connectivity Conservation efforts in the world's mountain biome.
Mega Connectivity Conservation Corridor for Central Asia
In July 2009 the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (Mountains Biome and Connectivity Conservation) completed a Mission to the Altai-Sayan Mountains of southern Siberia and far-eastern Russia. The mission was completed at the invitation of the Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Science and its aim was to facilitate the further development of a Mega Connectivity Conservation Corridor concept for the Altai-Sayan Mountains. The Mission was conducted by IUCN WCPA Vice-Chair Dr Graeme L. Worboys. Here is his report on this important international mission:
Connectivity Conservation News from Australia 
A July 2010 report by Professor Brendan Mackey, Dr James Watson and Dr Graeme Worboys, “Connectivity Conservation and the Great Eastern Ranges Corridor”, has pointed out the importance of a continental scale, “conservation corridor” along the Great Eastern Ranges running the length of the eastern seaboard from the Australian Alps in Victoria as far north as the Atherton Tablelands in Queensland. Here is a press release about this report.
The following edition of “News from the Alps” features an article about connectivity conservation with a mention of a number of WCPA initiatives including our Transboundary Connectivity Conservation workshop at Dhulikhel, Nepal in 2008: News from the Alps No. 38
An earlier edition of this Australian newsletter featured an article about our 2006 Connectivity Conservation workshop in Ecuador and information about the Great Eastern Ranges initiative formerly known as "A2A" ("Alps to Atherton"): News from the Alps No. 34