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"Managing Mountain Protected Areas: Challenges and Responses for the 21st Century"


This book can be purchased directly from the publisher, Andromeda Editrice Publisher of Italy.

Authors who contributed works in this book may purchase copies at the special price of 45 euros per copy plus shipping costs.

Mrs. Tiziana at Andromeda informs us that, although this is not shown on their ordering forms, it is also possible to pay for the books and postage by major credit card. Contact her directly by email and indicate how many books you want, your mailing address, your credit card number, and whether the books should be sent by air post or surface post. She will process the order and ship.

Our group should note that the Andromeda payment form quotes the normal 78 euro rate for the book. If contributing authors are using the Andromeda order form, just cross the 78 euro price and indicate on the form their entitlement to the "Author's Discount Price" of 45 euros + postage.





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